I am a 35-year-old woman living in coastal Oregon. I have been interested in Zumba for quite some time, and I starting taking classes twice a week at my local gym in August. I wasn’t sure that I could do Zumba because I have some physical limitations. Even though it is an intense workout, I’ve found it very doable.
I’ve noticed a huge improvement in my fitness (and shape!) and am having a lot of fun with the classes.
The one big challenge is the instructors at my gym do not review or teach the steps. I have some background in Latin dance (especially standard Salsa, Rueda de Casino and Merengue) but I don’t know any of the other dances or steps. I love Reggaetón music, but I didn’t know any of the steps for that either. I have lived and worked in Latin America and I am a Latin music FANATIC.
I finally bought the Zumba DVDs, and I am finding the layout and production a bit confusing. So I’ve decided to create some learning tools to support what is offered on the Zumba CDs and in classes. I want to explore the steps, learn more about the music and forms that I am not familiar with, and share my experiences. Enjoy and please feel free to comment or add information.